The League of Unchartered Flavours

Frequently Asked Questions

This section is to address the more common questions about our sauces. If you have a query that isn't covered here then contact us and we'll aim to answer you directly (and potentially add it in here).



That's subjective. That is to say that everyone has a different heat threshold, in essence the same as pain thresholds. You can build up a tolerance to hot sauces, but everyone will have their limit. 

We have our own unofficial scale (1 = Baby food, 10 = Weapons Grade!), but this gives an indication of heat from our range of sauces. We're going to aim at keeping away from using chilli extract and want to ensure that if we do use really hot chillies, there's still a palatable flavour element (for those that can handle the heat).

Any of our sauces will generally taste hotter on their own. When used as a condiment, the heat is usually lessened. When used as a marinade and cooked through, this tends to reduce the heat even more. This can vary based on the sauce, how much you use and (if you do) how long you cook it for.

We give a basic idea in the description for each sauce, but if your unsure, you can always order a sample to test out yourself.



All of our sauces are vegetarian & vegan friendly. Some of our sauces are gluten free. Those which are will be clearly labelled (if it doesn't say gluten free assume that it isn't).

We use organic ingredients wherever we can. Unfortunately there are some ingredients that we cannot guarantee as organic, so we can't label all of our products as organic.

Needless to say, all of the ingredients we use are sourced at the highest quality possible.

Any doubts, give us a shout.



Taster packs and individual taster jars are now available on the site.

If you are a business such as a restaurant, street food vendor or deli, contact us and we can figure something out.



We have 180ml standard jars and 45ml taster jars.

If you're a restaurant, street food vendor or deli and need commercial quantities, contact us.



The primary cause of spoiling in a sauce, jam or jelly is usually foreign particulate (crumbs!) that has been introduced, most often through a spoon that has been used elsewhere or by direct dipping with a chip or piece of bread.

By using clean utensils, you will safeguard both the flavour and longevity of each product.

The reverse is true as well. if, for example, you use a spoon that's just been in a sauce to stir your tea, you might find it hotter that you're used to. 

If you're one for dipping fingers (we do not recommend or condone such behaviour), then you'll want to wash your hands afterwards. There are a number of anatomical areas you would not want to inadvertently introduce chilli sauce to...

Nostrils, for example.



Honestly? Longer than the time it will take you to finish the jar. The truth is, as long as you avoid cross contamination (see above) our sauces will last way beyond the best before dates we print on the jars. The combination of vinegar, lemon juice and salt creates an environment of natural preservatives that in turn prevents spoiling, even without refrigeration (but only at a consistent temperature - See STORAGE below).

The reason we put a 6 month "best before" date is that in most cases after this time the sauce will either begin to loose their flavour, change in heat level (believe it or not sometimes they get hotter), or possibly change colour. But they should not go bad.

You don't need to refrigerate the sauces as long as they’re kept at a relatively cool temperature, but it’s definitely recommended as a good habit & if you do they will last even longer!


 How about storage?

Each of our sauces is made with natural preservatives like, salt, sugar and vinegar, which means they can be stored unopened at a somewhat stable temperature (5 - 15 degrees celsius or 41 - 59 fahrenheit) for a long time (1 - 3 years ,potentially more).

However, once opened we recommend that they are kept in a refrigerator at a cool temperature. This will allow for the longest “shelf” life.

If not stored in a fridge it’s recommended that they’re stored in a cool dark place with a relatively consistent temperature.

Another good idea is to keep a shallow oil seal (match the one in the ingredients) on top of the sauce. This will help stop the top drying and becoming crusty.


 What Does Your Sauce Go With?

Crackers, cheese on toast, pizza, burgers, mayonnaise, lasagne, curry, meats, vegetables…

You can use them as a condiment on there own or to augment an existing sauce, as a marinade or part of a coating.

In other words, whatever you see fit. There will be recipe ideas on the site soon.

Blemish likes a spoonful of Flaming Banana in yoghurt.


 Where Can I Get …?

We have now removed small consumer sales from the website. If you’re interested in any of our sauces please get in touch to let us know you’re interested.

If you’re looking for a particular sauce you’ve heard mentioned or seen, it’s either limited, or was potentially in development.

We always try to ensure that any sauce we release can be accurately reproduced to a high quality, which in turn means sourcing ingredients, running test batches and testing longevity.

Our continuing mission: To bring you tastes and flavour combinations you’ve not experienced before!


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